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  • Military Veterans of Cuenca

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  • MVOC Charitable Work in Cuenca

    MVOC (Military Vets of Cuenca) is an organization dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of underprivileged children. One of their notable initiatives is a partnership with the Tadeo de Torres orphanage in Cuenca. Through this collaboration, MVOC works tirelessly to ensure that the children living in the orphanage feel special, loved and remembered.
  • Scroll Down to view ​our upcoming events 

MVOC Monthly Meeting
MVOC Charitable Projects
HCA Clinic
Battle of Tarqui
Memorial for Fred
Veteran's Day 2023
News & Views
MVOC Monthly Meeting

The first Monday of each month the Military Veterans of Cuenca meet for lunch, socializing and we usually hear from several guest speakers. 

Look above for the time and place of our next MVOC meeting.

ALL who are interested are invited to attend our very informal monthly MVOC meet and greet. If you want to eat lunch place your lunch order by clicking here.

​View a copy of our Monthly Newsletters:
​August 2024

MVOC Charitable Projects


MVOC donates 524 notebooks to 

Maria Luisa Moreno Foundation


Military Vets of Cuenca (MVOC) donated over $500 to the Maria Luisa Moreno Foundation. This project helps provide notebooks and other school supplies to children in need.

 The Maria Luisa Moreno Fondation is a non-profit entity with more than 20 years of experience, which benefits vulnerable communities through the execution of human development programs with social intervention models, which seek the transformation of human beings. It develops its social work through three strategic lines:

  • Education
  • Humanitarian aid, social welfare
  • Entrepreneurship and productivity. 

Its work has been replicated with foundations and homologous social organizations in countries such as Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, England, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Switzerland. Work has also been done in other countries such as Bolivia and from England and Switzerland, the Foundation managed important aid to benefit vulnerable communities in Cameroon - Africa, as well as for the cities of Bangalore in India and Shanghai in China.

Some pics from the 2023 Maria Luisa Foundation Backpack handout


In July MVOC (Military Vets of Cuenca) donated much needed supplies to firefighters who were battling the Giron fire.

MVOC followed up with another donation to the firefighters in Aug

Waters of Life Travel Amazon Project

Military Vets of Cuenca (MVOC) demonstrate their unwavering support for the Waters of Life Travel Amazon Project by extending a helping hand to indigenous groups throughout Ecuador's Amazon region. MVOC recognizes the invaluable importance of preserving and uplifting the unique cultures and livelihoods of these indigenous communities. With their dedicated commitment, MVOC provides essential workers, generous donations, and crucial supplies to ensure the success of the project. By mobilizing their experienced veterans and other skilled individuals, MVOC contributes to the sustainable development of the Amazon, empowering indigenous groups and fostering a harmonious relationship between humans and nature. Through their collaborative efforts, MVOC and the Waters of Life Travel Amazon Project make a profound difference in the lives of the indigenous people, preserving their heritage and ensuring a better future for generations to come.

August 2024

We donated and help install water filters in Panintsa village in the jungles of Ecuador. 

It was a very fruitful trip. We were able to deliver four water filtration systems to the people of Panintsa, Tunguintsa, Kambantsa, and Chuindia.

Hogar Infantil Orphanage

MVOC (Military Vets of Cuenca) is an organization dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of underprivileged children. One of their notable initiatives is a partnership with the Tadeo de Torres orphanage in Cuenca. Through this collaboration, MVOC works tirelessly to ensure that the children living in the orphanage feel special, loved and remembered.

One of the ways MVOC accomplishes this is by organizing memorable parties for the children. These parties are a celebration of joy, laughter, and happiness. MVOC volunteers go above and beyond to create a festive atmosphere, complete with decorations, games, music, and delicious treats. The goal is to provide the children with a day filled with laughter and cherished memories. These parties also give the children an opportunity to socialize and interact with others, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

In addition to hosting parties, MVOC facilitates the donation of various items to the orphanage. They work tirelessly to gather essentials such as clothing, shoes, school supplies, and toys. These donated items not only fulfill the practical needs of the children but also bring smiles to their faces. MVOC understands the importance of ensuring that every child feels cared for and valued, and these donations play a crucial role in achieving that goal.

Moreover, MVOC members make personal visits to the orphanage on a regular basis. These visits provide an opportunity for one-on-one interactions with the children, allowing them to build meaningful connections. The members spend quality time with the children, engaging in activities, listening to their stories, and offering emotional support. Through their presence and genuine care, MVOC members strive to create lasting memories and let the children know that they are not forgotten.

MVOC's collaboration with the Tadeo de Torres orphanage in Cuenca exemplifies their commitment to making a difference in the lives of disadvantaged children. By organizing parties, facilitating donations, and making personal visits, they work tirelessly to ensure that the children living in the orphanage feel special, loved, and remembered. MVOC's efforts bring joy, hope, and a sense of belonging to these children, empowering them to embrace their potential and create a brighter future.

HCA Clinic

* You must have qualified for a service related disability to take advantage of the Foreign Medical Program (HVA clinic) in Cuenca

Veterans HCA Medical Clinic* coming to Cuenca 

The primary care physician for the Cuenca HCA clinic has been appointed.

Dra Kathryn Guillen Astudillo M.D.

Dr. Guillen Astudilllo was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Her family has Ecuadorian roots. She is reliable, organized and responsible. She has 15 years of experience in the medical field. She has traveled back and forth from the States and Ecuador for her studies. Dra Guillen studied in Cuenca and in New York. She has experience in Health Information Technology, electronic medical records, and is also a Medical Auditor in the States as well as in Ecuador. She is a Donor Transplant Coordinator in Ecuador. She has  also managed emergency rooms and surgical rooms in order to have a good patient flow. I am very happy and honored to be a part of HCA and I really hope to start my medical career with treating military veterans with disabilities                                    
FAQs for HCA clinic:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
The doctor is a general practitioner and can handle many of the problems that veterans will be asking about. If a specialist is needed Dra. Guillen Astudillo will refer them to an English-speaking physician in the area where the veteran lives.

Health Care Alliance Group operates HCA clinics world wide. Learn more about them here.

You can learn more about Medical Benefits for US Veterans Overseas here.

For those wanting to use the facilities once it opens, please ensure you are working on the proper documentation

What you need for proper documentation to utilize the HCA Clinic

  • 2) A copy of your ID  
  • 3) A filled out Foreign Medical Program application (if you are not already enrolled)  
  • 4) A copy of your VA service connected disability breakdown letter (you can call 1-800-827-1000 and let them know you want this, and they will email it to you).
  • 5) A copy of your DD-214
  • 6.) Please gather all required medical documentation/service treatment records you may have, or submit a VA request for them.
  • 7.) Please create a login to the website

Once you have all these you can email them to Mark. He is a Volunteer (trained) Veterans Service Officer (VSO).  You can reach Mark via email: He will create a folder for you and send off your FMP registration.   

Please reach out to Mark Tomlinson ( for any related Veterans Service Officer needs and he will be happy to respond to you.

Links to VA Resources

* You must have qualified for a service related disability to take advantage of the Foreign Medical Program in Cuenca

Learn about the Foreign Medical Program

Download VA Benefit Letters

Request your military service records (including DD214)

Foreign Medical Program (FMP) (Necessary to receive treatment at the Cuenca HCA Clinic)

Join the Military Vets of Cuenca

* You must have qualified for a service related disability to take advantage of the Foreign Medical Program / HCA clinic in Cuenca


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Battle of Tarqui

MVOC was invited to attend the 195th Anniversary of the Battle of Tarqui, which honored the brave troops of Ecuador and Gran Columbia as they defeated a Peruvian army that had just taken the Port of Guayaquil that was twice their size.

Memorial for Fred

Fred was a veteran of the Korean war and resident of Cuenca for the last 13 years

Veteran's Day 2023
News & Views

​Health Insurance Options for Veterans

by Jeff Schinsky ​

Published in YapaTree 11-Aug-2024

FALLS CHURCH, Va. – 06-Aug-2024

The Department of Veterans Affairs is advancing efforts to address issues associated with military-related toxic exposure by launching a redesigned Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry, known as the Burn Pit Research Registry.