Upcoming Events
- 10-Mar-25 12:00 MVOC Monthly Meeting @ Sabatino's Garden Restaurant
The first Monday of each month the Military Veterans of Cuenca meet for lunch, socializing and, we usually hear from several very interesting guest speakers.
10-Mar (2nd Monday of in March due to Carnival)
We meet at noon at Sabatino's Garden Restaurant. ALL who are interested are invited to attend our very informal monthly MVOC meet and greet.
Please fill in the form below, even if you are not eating lunch.
Assisted in painting the Puente del Vado bridge in Cuenca. Featured in Cuenca High Life article: https://cuencahighlife.com/cuenca-expats-pitch-in-to-help-the-citys-barranco-foundation-eliminate-unwanted-graffiti/
Visited with Ecuadorian army general, Azuay governor and Cuenca Mayor to get MVOC’s name out there
Sponsored over 20 underprivileged kids so that could attend a Cuenca soccer game
Built our website
Two separate tours to an Ecuadorian Army Base
Christmas party for 20 girls of Hogar Miguel Leon orphanage. Held at The Flip Zone, each girl had fun jumping and received several presents from Papa Noel and his elf (Patrick and Marina Jaramillo)
Purchased 37 blanked for the older residents of Hogar Miguel Leon.
Several members attended a conference of the Association of Municipalities of Ecuador and met with (and had photo op with) state director.
Veterans Day commemoration on November 11 at the Abraham Lincoln Center. Featured speaker, Phillip Springer, was from the American Consulate in Guayaquil who spoke about his father’s service in Vietnam (he was killed in action).
Amazon Water Project – John Oakes takes water filters to villages in the Amazon to help make them healthier.
Compassion Kitchen – Several veterans assist this group by handing out sandwiches and bananas to the needy and hungry around Parque Calderon.
MVOC supplied firefighters with equipment to help fight wildfires around Cuenca. With thousands of dollars collected from a Facebook group and our own donations, we made a massive difference with supplies:
72 water sprayers
45 long handled axes
45 machetes
35 pairs of gloves
100 helmets
22 filtered masks
20 rakes
Hardware to make fire beaters (we bought parts, a tire company donated rubber, and the Army made at least 10)

MVOC donates 524 notebooks to
Maria Luisa Moreno Foundation
MVOC donates 524 notebooks to
Maria Luisa Moreno Foundation

Military Vets of Cuenca (MVOC) donated over $500 to the Maria Luisa Moreno Foundation. This project helps provide notebooks and other school supplies to children in need.
The Maria Luisa Moreno Fondation is a non-profit entity with more than 20 years of experience, which benefits vulnerable communities through the execution of human development programs with social intervention models, which seek the transformation of human beings. It develops its social work through three strategic lines:
- Education
- Humanitarian aid, social welfare
- Entrepreneurship and productivity.
Its work has been replicated with foundations and homologous social organizations in countries such as Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, England, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Switzerland. Work has also been done in other countries such as Bolivia and from England and Switzerland, the Foundation managed important aid to benefit vulnerable communities in Cameroon - Africa, as well as for the cities of Bangalore in India and Shanghai in China.
Some pics from the 2023 Maria Luisa Foundation Backpack handout

Waters of Life Travel Amazon Project
Waters of Life Travel Amazon Project
Military Vets of Cuenca (MVOC) demonstrate their unwavering support for the Waters of Life Travel Amazon Project by extending a helping hand to indigenous groups throughout Ecuador's Amazon region. MVOC recognizes the invaluable importance of preserving and uplifting the unique cultures and livelihoods of these indigenous communities. With their dedicated commitment, MVOC provides essential workers, generous donations, and crucial supplies to ensure the success of the project. By mobilizing their experienced veterans and other skilled individuals, MVOC contributes to the sustainable development of the Amazon, empowering indigenous groups and fostering a harmonious relationship between humans and nature. Through their collaborative efforts, MVOC and the Waters of Life Travel Amazon Project make a profound difference in the lives of the indigenous people, preserving their heritage and ensuring a better future for generations to come.
August 2024
We donated and help install water filters in Panintsa village in the jungles of Ecuador.
It was a very fruitful trip. We were able to deliver four water filtration systems to the people of Panintsa, Tunguintsa, Kambantsa, and Chuindia.

MVOC (Military Vets of Cuenca) is an organization dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of underprivileged children. One of their notable initiatives is a partnership with the Tadeo de Torres orphanage in Cuenca. Through this collaboration, MVOC works tirelessly to ensure that the children living in the orphanage feel special, loved and remembered.
MVOC was invited to attend the 195th Anniversary of the Battle of Tarqui, which honored the brave troops of Ecuador and Gran Columbia as they defeated a Peruvian army that had just taken the Port of Guayaquil that was twice their size.
Fred was a veteran of the Korean war and resident of Cuenca for the last 13 years

Burn Pit Registry
The Department of Veterans Affairs is advancing efforts to address issues associated with military-related toxic exposure by launching a redesigned Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry, known as the Burn Pit Research Registry.

Join Cuenca Military Veterans Group
Health Insurance Options for Military Veterans

August 2023 Monthly Meeting Recap
Bryan Vidal from CATSA travel attended our August MVOC meeting and let us know about the 50% airline discounts for those of us over the age of 65. CATSA has been in business for 10 years here in Cuenca. They have many Expat clients and are available to you during your entire trip in case any problems arise.
Bryan Vidal speaks English and is ready to serve you! Being some of us live in Ecuador lets pitch in and support local businesses.Address: Address: Av. 12 de Abril and José Peralta Edf. Paseo del Puente Ofc. 5 . Contact information: bryanvidalb@gmail.com 099 492 3033
Bryan Vidal CATSA Travel

Tipti Store and Supermarket At Home Delivery Service
At our August meeting, representatives from TIPTI. TIPTI is an online shopping and delivery service for Ecuador. Here is a link to the Google Play Store and here is a link to the Apple App Store . TIPTI representatives attended and explained what they do and helped us install their app on our phones.
They also handed out a bag of goodies to each attendee.
CEO of Zylker Sharon C. Lint

We also had the owner of a mule service company, Bodega Sudamericana, call in from New York to tell us how to get things from the US to Cuenca and for how much. bodegasudamericana@gmail.com
Ecuador whatsapp +593999988424
US whatsapp & telegram +19142337320